Positively Purposed

Conversations that Matter: Women, Wisdom, and Change

Nina Danilee Season 2 Episode 16

As women in our 40s and 50s, we often find ourselves juggling numerous roles and navigating life’s shifting challenges. In this new season of The Conversations That Matter, we’re diving deep into the key issues that impact women like you—health, career transitions, relationships, finances, and the pursuit of authentic happiness. From navigating aging with grace to rediscovering our passions and reclaiming our identity, we’re creating a space for real talk that resonates.

To ensure these episodes deliver exactly what you need, I asked a diverse group of women, "What are the top 3 challenges women over 40 face?" The answers were raw, insightful, and filled with common threads that unite us all.

Join me, Nina Danilee, as I explore these topics, bringing together expert advice, personal experiences, and actionable tips to help you thrive during this transformative phase of life.

Embracing Change: Health, Body Image, and Aging

Women in their 40s and 50s face significant changes in their bodies—hormones shift, energy levels fluctuate, and our reflection in the mirror might not always align with how we feel inside. In this episode, we explore how to embrace these changes with confidence. Just like a flower blooming through different seasons, our bodies evolve. We discuss ways to maintain health and vitality, challenge societal beauty standards, and cultivate self-acceptance.

Navigating Relationships: Empty Nests, Aging Parents, and Friendship Changes

At this stage, relationships are shifting too. Many of us are balancing the needs of aging parents while adjusting to empty nests or changing friendships. It can feel overwhelming. Imagine juggling multiple balls—each one representing a different relationship dynamic—and trying not to drop any. This episode offers tips on setting boundaries, fostering emotional resilience, and finding new ways to connect with the people you love, even if life has changed the nature of those connections.

Finances and Career: Shifting Priorities

Finances can be a major concern as we approach retirement, but many women also face career transitions. Some of us feel stuck in jobs that no longer fulfill us or are grappling with ageism in the workplace. We discuss strategies for finding financial freedom and reigniting your career passion, so you can confidently move forward into the next chapter of life. Just like recalculating the GPS on a road trip, it’s about finding new paths to achieve your goals.

Finding Purpose and Prioritizing Self-Care

Many women over 40 feel disconnected from their purpose or struggle with putting themselves first. It’s like trying to pour from an empty cup—you simply can’t. Together, we’ll explore how to rediscover what lights you up, how to prioritize self-care without guilt, and ways to create space for yourself amidst the demands of everyday life.


Season 2 of The Conversations That Matter is dedicated to women over 40 and 50 who are ready to have honest, meaningful discussions about the realities we face. You’ll walk away with valuable insights, motivation, and the tools to embrace change with confidence. Don’t miss a single episode—subscribe to the podcast today, set your alarms so you’re notified when new episodes drop, and be sure to follow me on social media fo

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I asked a variety of women from all different cultures and walks of life “what do you feel are the top 3 challenges that women over 40 and 50 face. I wanted to know if what I thought was reality, and find common threads amongst us. I wanted to be sure that the information, motivation, and education that I have planned to bring to you in this podcast for Season 2, was actually what was needed. And of course the best way to support you, is to know what you want or need - and the only way to know is to ask. So I did… and I’ve collected the responses. I know you want to know “Is it only me that feels, or thinks this way?” So here we go… let’s have a real conversation about us, because if we don’t talk about it then who will? 

Let's be honest, as women in our 40s and 50s, we are juggling a lot in our mind, body and spirit. Our challenges can often range over a variety of core issues and I wanted to find out what they are… so I asked. 

Health, body image, accepting aging characteristics and embracing them is not easy. Our bodies are rampaging with hormones that we are not used to, and our bodies are reacting in ways that we are not familiar with. THings that used to work, don’t work the same, or not at all. The reflection in the mirror doesn’t look the same anymore. Maybe you feel young but look old, or feel old but look young. Maybe you look and feel young… but think you shouldn’t or feel guilty for it, or look and feel older than you think you should! Are you resenting being older and not ready to embrace the changes that come with it? Or maybe you are excited about the prospects of that rising number but don’t know how to embrace it. So much to accept and navigate! 

Families, friendships, aging parents, adult kids, everyone needs something from us or we are trying to figure out what this phase of our relationships look like. Maybe long term friends are no longer in our life because of physical distance or maybe you have outgrown each other, maybe life circumstances or life perspectives have changed creating emotional distance. Empty nesting? Divorced? Are you feeling a bit alone or isolated? Yet another piece of this puzzle called life, to figure out. 

Does anyone want to talk about money and finances? 

It sounds like it! As we approach retirement age, we have a completely different set of financial priorities. We want to enjoy this phase of life and have financial freedom, but also want to save, leave inheritance, and prepare for the inevitable. Kids in college? Ready to travel the world now that you aren’t working as hard? OR Working harder now because you feel ‘behind the 8 ball’. How we have planned for this stage of life is all different, and we can’t change the past. Discovering how to best make decisions and prioritize our financial choices is a huge one.  

And that goes hand in hand with our careers and professional lives

Are you finding yourself no longer passionate about your job or career? Are you facing ageism in the work place… maybe even self-inflicted? How does this play into your decisions about your financial goals and are you literally just giving in to ‘what is’ out of fear of ‘what could be’.... So you are not even trying to make the leap. When was the last time you considered your purpose… or passion. Are you feeling like you are too old for major change?  

Ladies, we are just scratching the surface ….. Does any of this resonate with you? This phase of our lives is FULL OF CHANGE and we need not fear it, but embrace  it. Look at change as a positive inevitable that allows GROWTH and IMPROVEMENT! It opens doors for new experiences and opportunities, IF we open our minds and hearts to welcome them. Hearing from other women that could potentially be in your peer group saying these are their challenges… How does that feel? 

When do you decide to prioritize yourself and really pursue your own happiness as a priority? Do you even know what authentic happiness looks like for you right now… have you thought about what you TRULY want in this stage of your life? HAve you dealt with your past or current traumas that dictate your thoughts, words and deeds… Do you know what they are and WHY you feel the way you do? 

Many of you feel overwhelmed, stressed and depressed, wondering if you’re enough, if you’re doing enough, or maybe you have already convinced yourself that you’re not! On top of all these decisions and changes, we’re still trying to squeeze in self-care – it can feel like a never-ending balancing act. 

As our kids grow up, we start to parent or care for our parents, our passions decline and purpose becomes unclear, it can be easy to lose sight of who we are. We might find ourselves asking, 'Who am I outside of my roles as a mother, wife, daughter or professional?'" These are the types of questions that we are asking ourselves and possibly struggling to find the answers. 

Let’s talk about a few of these topics from a high level perspective briefly … just for a moment. 

  • Fear of the Future [ON SCREEN TITLE]: Turning 40, 50, 60 …. It can bring up a lot of questions about the future. WIll I meet my goals? Will I be financially secure? Will I find love or true friendships again? Will I be healthy or sick as I age? What does the next chapter of my life look like?
    • When you begin to face your fears, you are no longer bound by them, stuck in the same space that you are currently in. You open the door to plan your future and take proactive steps towards your goals. You'll gain a sense of control and empowerment.
  • Unresolved Trauma [ON SCREEN TITLE]: Past experiences as both a child and adult, can have a lasting impact on our mental health and overall well-being. Unresolved trauma can keep us stuck in negative thought patterns and prevent us from living our best lives.
    • By addressing and healing from past trauma, you can break free from negative cycles and experience greater peace, fulfillment, and happiness.
  • Struggling to Prioritize Yourself [ON SCREEN TITLE]: For many of us, putting others first has become second nature. We are taught as little girls how to take care of others, we have a natural maternal instinct, and we often get true joy from helping others. But when we do so to the extent that we neglect our own needs, it can lead to burnout, resentment, depression, and a sense of emptiness.
    • When you prioritize self-care, learn how to love yourself, take time to rest and energize your mind, body and soul…. you'll have more energy, focus, and patience to handle life's challenges.
  • Holding onto Grudges [ON SCREEN TITLE]: Forgiving ourselves and others can be a challenge, but it's essential for healing and moving forward. Holding onto grudges can weigh us down and prevent us from experiencing true peace and happiness."
    • Forgiveness frees you from the burden of the past and allows you to live a more peaceful and fulfilling life.
  • Feeling Unfulfilled [ON SCREEN TITLE]: Many women in their 40s are searching for a sense of purpose and fulfillment. We may feel like we've lost our spark or that our lives are lacking something meaningful.
    • When you pursue your passions and find a sense of purpose, you'll experience greater joy, satisfaction, and a sense of accomplishment.


When you learn to prioritize yourself, say NO to what you can, and delegate some tasks that you can’t release, you'll find that you have more time, energy and space for yourself to begin the exploration of these questions. You create opportunities to enjoy life a little more without constant stress. But how do we do that? Start by rediscovering your passions and hobbies. Make the time to do things that YOU enjoy, so that you can start to feel more fulfilled and confident in your own skin.

This podcast is designed to be a safe space where we can talk openly about all of these challenges and more, and find solutions together. We'll explore all these topics like self-love, healing trauma, relationships, career transitions, rebuilding confidence, finding your passions and personal growth. The conversations that matter is what we will discuss here. 

My goal is to inspire and motivate you to address the root causes of your struggles and move forward with confidence. Together, we can create a life filled with purpose, joy, and fulfillment.

Can you create this focus for your life? 

As a transformational life coach, I invite you to join me on this journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Subscribe to the podcast, and share your thoughts in the comments. Let's build a supportive community of women who are committed to living authentically happy lives.