Positively Purposed

Power of Positive People with Tamara Richardson

Nina Danilee Season 1 Episode 6

Today's guest is Tamara Richardson, a powerhouse business owner, and mother of two. Often times change is born out of pain. It can give us a new perspective on a lot of things that cause us to reflect differently on life. In that time of reflection, we learn and grow. Until you know better you cannot do better, however, once you know, it’s almost insanity to not do better. 

One of the things that contribute greatly to your health and well-being is the food that you put into your body. Plant-based diets are a healthy lifestyle option that is not only preventative to a lot of diseases but has also been proven to have the power to reverse some. When you become conscious of what you consume, you quickly begin to evaluate the changes in how you feel. You recognize the immediate benefits that result, and you have the opportunity to make some lifestyle changes.  

Travel can also be a tool for introspection and growth towards a happier life. Learning about other cultures, how they survive and thrive, their history, and how that entwines with your own. Maya Angelou says that You cannot know where you are going until you know where you have been.  Take some time to study your past and see how that affects your current life, the world around you, and your future.

We talk about how to stay positive and Tammy credits her optimistic outlook on life on exercise, plant-based eating, CBD, and reading. Exercise increases and improves blood flow around the body and subsequently to the heart and brain. It helps give us clarity of thought, energy, better sleep patterns, and overall general health. You look better, you feel better and as a result, you are happier. CBD (cannabis or medical marijuana) has been scientifically proven to be one of the healthiest natural benefits to most ailments that plague us today. You cannot always control what is around you, but you can certainly control what is happening inside of you. 

We are facing a double global pandemic that affects each and every one of us. There is no running away from it and hiding like it doesn’t exist or it isn’t really happening. Some will scream from the mountain tops and others will fight silently or behind the scenes. There is no right or wrong way to respond, but we must respond. It takes all of us to do what is right to make a sustainable change. Go within to determine why you think, feel and act that way you do.  And then stay within, in order to determine how you need to respond after that self-reflection.

Happiness is a choice. While we know that this is much more difficult when going through challenging times, it is only our reaction that is still within our control. This life is not promised to anyone. It is simply a gift that you must appreciate. You must respect others’ lives as much as your own. Choose to be happy.

We must evaluate these things consistently to help us vibrate higher and remain positive during challenging times. 

1.     Our friends and relationships - Those closest to us can raise us up or pull us down. Look at your circle of friends and decide what they are doing for you.

2.     What you consume – through food, what we put on our bodies and what we take in through media. The energy that you allow in your body will determine the energy that you are able to give out of your body.

3.     Your Heartbeat – it will always tell yo

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